Write Well and Sell It

Nearly everyone knows how to write, being compelled or coaxed to do so in schools and universities. However, when it comes to professional article writing, not all folks seem to start in the right direction and maintain that level of expertise. Sure, every writer's got a certain style and voice - that's a given. Apply this with certain guidelines on professional article writing and the results will, most probably, make your work worthy of being read and published. So, how should you compete with the others? What are the tips that will get you there and allow you to stay with the cream of the crop?
Create a Great Hook
When there's interest, it's easier to go for something. Remember that when you write. Create interest by coming up with a great hook. Think of something that readers will be curious about or get thrilled enough to want to read your piece.
Answer a Question or Need
Interested readers will always go for content that speaks to them or provides them with answers. Therefore, make it a point to always write with the needs of your readers in mind.
Rambling is Often Frowned Upon
Don't just go rambling about things that go into your mind. Provide information in a clear, concise manner. Present your ideas in a chronological order, making sure that readers will be able to get the most out of the information that you are trying to present.
'To Be' Verbs Shouldn't Clutter Your Content
A lot of these types of verbs will mark you as an amateur. You'll do better if you remove most of them in your content. Examples of "to be" verbs include were, am, was, and are. Instead of these, use specific verbs or phrases that will best convey what you want to say.
Be Crystal Clear
Your content will be more interesting if you stick to specific and descriptive writing. While general terms have its appeal, it's easier to have a mental image of what a writer is saying if more specific nouns are used instead of vague, general terms.
Use Short, Concise Sentences
Get right to the point. Avoid going around the bush. While long sentences may have their appeal, they can often become confusing to readers.
Add Suitable and Interesting Info
If you have interesting findings, statistics or quotations that do not deviate from your central theme, include that with your content. This adds flavor and may show readers that you are an authority of the subject matter you are writing about.
Avoid Using Too Much Slang
Colloquial expressions and slang may be used occasionally - depending on your topic and manner of approach. However, too much of this will not do justice to your content. With professional article writing, simple and easy-to-understand language is better. This way, a lot of readers will appreciate your piece.

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